Welcome to Quail Creek Lady Putters!

The Quail Creek Lady Putters is a social group designed for the benefit of non organized golfers.

Its main purpose is to have fun and socialize, while enjoying the outdoors and utilizing a portion of our golf facilities.

No Experience Needed. Come and have some Fun!

When: Wednesday Mornings WINTER HOURS November through April. Check in at 9:30 am Putting starts at: 10:00am

SPRING-SUMMER HOURS: May 7th through October Check in at 8:00 am Putting starts at 8:30 am

Where: Patio at the Madera Clubhouse (next to the driving range)

Equipment needed: Putter, Golf Ball, Name Tag, & Proper golf attire required: Dress Code

Cost: Annual membership $20.00, Weekly $1.00 per Putter Session (member or guest) Join Guests