Club By-Laws

By-Laws of Quail Creek Lady Putters (3/2022)

Section 1:  Name

The name of this organization is Quail Creek Lady Putters.

Section 2:  Form of Organization, Purpose and Operation.

2.1 Organization: The Quail Creek Lady Putters is organized as a social club.

2.2 Purpose: The Quail Creek Lady Putters is a social group designed for the benefit of no organized golfers. Its main purpose is to have fun and socialize while enjoying the outdoors and utilizing a portion of our golf facilities.

2.3 Operation: It will conduct its business democratically and in accordance with the Quail Creek Homeowner’s Association (QCHOA) Rules.

Section 3: Membership

3.1 Eligibility: Membership limited to Quail Creek residents.

3.2 Recommended Code of Conduct Amendment to By-Laws.

(a) All members of Quail Creek Lady Putters are expected to follow the direction of the duly elected offices (President, Vice President) of the club or their appointed representative(s) in an orderly manner at all functions of the club.

(b) The officers of the club have the right to deny a member from participating in a club function or activity if they feel that their participation would adversely affect the other members of the club or organization.

(c) The officers or their representative(s) of the club may request a member to leave a function or activity if the participant(s) has on more than one occasion refused to follow directions or who is disruptive, disrespectful of the officers, their representative (s) or other member of the club. The offender(s) is subject to disciplinary action.

3.3 Remuneration. No individual member may receive compensation for services rendered in support of the activities of this club from non-members or outside sources without approval of the QCHOA Board of Directors. Compensation includes merchandise, services, benefits, or rebates from vendors providing services or merchandise to this organization that are not provided to every member.

Section 4: Officers and Executive Committee

4.1 Officers. The officers of this club will be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership, Event Coordinator. They will be elected for a minimum term of two years and will serve until their successors are elected and qualify.

4.2 Executive Committee. The club’s affairs will be managed by an Executive Committee composed of the officers.

Section 5. Duties of the Officers

5.1 President.

(a) Preside over meetings, assure the organization remains in compliance with QCHOA Rules applicable to it.

(b) Prepare and file with the QCHOA Rules Compliance Committee the annual submission required under the QCHOA Rules.

(c) Provide financial reports at luncheons, make announcements before putting, as necessary.

(d) Oversee the activities of the other officers.

(e) Call meetings when deemed appropriate.

(f) Seek ways to improve the organization consistent with the wishes of its members.

5.2 Vice President.

(a) Act as assistant to the President

(b) Provide lunch count for lunches, purchase gift cards, prepare listing of putters eligible.

5.3 Treasurer

(a) Maintain the financial records of the club.

(b) Prepare financial report for luncheons.

5.4 Secretary.

(a) Maintain all records as required by the Executive Committee (Meeting minutes of board meetings and luncheons)

5.5 Membership Chair.

(a) Maintain the official membership roster.

(b) Register new members and turn in checks to the treasurer.

(c) Collect annual dues and turn checks in to the treasurer.

5.6 Events Coordinator.

(a) Oversee all event activities as requested by President.

(b) Provides event folders and makes sure they are updated.

Section 6. Election of Officers.

6.1 Election. Officers will be elected at a meeting held at December luncheon. A nomination committee will consist of at least 3 members and present candidates to President to post in MMM at least one month prior to elections.

6.2 Commencement of Term. Newly elected officers will begin their term on the first day of the following month.

6.3 Successive Terms. All officers who are members in good standing will be eligible for re-election.

Section 7. Special Events

7.1 Committees may be established by the Executive Committee as needed. The Events Coordinator will work with the board on these committees/special events.

Section 8. Play dates, times, location.

8.1 Weekly putting is every Wednesday.

8.2 Start time for January 1 through end of April and October 1 through December 31, is (9:30 am check in, putt at 10:00 am). May 1 through End of September is (8:00 am check in, putt at 8:30 am).

8.3 Meet on Madera Patio for check in and announcements. Go to putting green to putt.

Section 9. Dues and Fees.

9.1 Dues. Membership dues are $20.00 yearly.

9.2 Fee. Fees are $1.00 for putting each week. This money is paid as follows: 80% is paid back to ladies at luncheons, used to pay out money hole winnings and balance kept in treasury.

CURRENT OFFICERS as January 1, 2022


Janet Wegner, 2177 E Madera Plateau, 262-302-0541,


Sharon Schoen, 2144 E Thunderchief Dr,


Lynda Pilcher, 2137 E Thunderchief Dr, 619-517-1171,


Ellen Entwistle, 1245 N Sun Catcher Way, 815-257-1252,


Jackie Coomes, 2235 E Thunderchief Dr, 847-668-8501,

Meeting Place and Time

Wednesday meet at Madera Club House patio for check in.

Events Coordinator:

Shari Cerrone, 1587 N Rush Creek Ct, 408-807-4530,

Putting green for putting.

See section 8 for start times throughout the year.